Tasse mit Mundspülung

Tasse mit Mundspülung


Mundwasser reinigt die Zähne von Bakterien und hilft, Speisereste zu entfernen, die Mundgeruch verursachen. Ozon ist ein starkes Oxidationsmittel und verwandelt sich auf natürliche Weise wieder in Sauerstoff. Unser elektrolytisches Ozonwasser-Mundwasser hinterlässt keine Rückstände und erfordert kein abschließendes Spülen oder Abwischen.Die Reinigung ist einfacher und schneller.Und sein Ozone Mouthwash Cup ist eine gute Wahl für die Mundpflege.

Elektrolytische Ozonwasserelektrolyse-Ozongenerator Gurgeln Gurgeln Keimmischmittel Wasser Gurgeln Tasse orale Reinigungsmittel-Parodontitis-Kopie

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

AQUA30C type electrolytic ozone water mouthwash, under the action of electrode catalysis, can catalyze unfiltered urban tap water to produce suitable concentration of ozone water 03, so that it becomes ozone water Ozone water has good bacteriostatic and antibacterial effects, and has the characteristics of instant inactivation of bacteria and viruses. It is used to clean the bacteria in the mouth, remove bad breath, balance the ecological environment in the mouth, repair the oral mucosa, and assist the rehabilitation of oral diseases. Makes it ideal for gargling and daily oral cleaning care. Oral care cups generate ozone mouthwash containing; Ozone, hydroxide ion(anion water), micro and nano bubble oxygen, chloride ion and other highly active oxidation molecules.

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Elektrolytische Ozonwasserelektrolyse-Ozongenerator Gurgeln Gurgeln Keimmischmittelwasser Gurgeln Cup Keimmikidische Wassergurgle 2000 mA-Kopie

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

This product works in such a way that the electrodes embedded in the cup base turns tap water to ozone water with 2mg/L ozone concentration and make it an ideal oral rinse to kill virus and bacteria, freshen breath, disinfect oral inflammation and maintain oral hygiene. For your information, ozone water works better than some oral rinses or drugs and helps relieve pains and some of the oral problems that even dentists find it difficult to cure.

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Wasserprothesen Reiniger elektrolytischer Ozongenerator Zahnersatz und Orthesen, Schmuck und Baby Schnuller können alle sterilisiert werden

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

Have healthy gums to protect teeth, have a healthy mouth to protect gums and teeth. Electrolytic bactericidal water, can remove 99% of oral bacteria, we have electrolytic ozone bactericidal water cup, to give the mouth more comprehensive protection, away from bad breath, periodontitis, dental stones, tooth decay and other troubles.

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Elektrolytisches Ozonwasser entfernen orale Bakterien, um Parodontitis und Zahnabfallzusagen zu verhindern

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

Take care of your oral and will be save more money Have healthy gums to protect teeth, have a healthy mouth to protect gums and teeth. Electrolytic bactericidal water, can remove 99% of oral bacteria, we have oral douser and electrolytic ozone bactericidal water cup, to give the mouth more comprehensive protection, away from bad breath, periodontitis, dental stones, tooth decay and other troubles.

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wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser-Becher ab Werk

Wässriges Ozon ist ein starkes Oxidationsmittel, das nachweislich effektiv reinigt, indem es eine Vielzahl von Keimen, Bakterien und anderen Verunreinigungen auf Oberflächen zerstört und sie dadurch desodoriert und desinfiziert.Ozon besteht aus drei in der Atmosphäre vorkommenden Atomen und kann dank neuer Technologien in wässrigen Ozon-Mundwasserbecher umgewandelt werden, der eine bessere Leistung als normales Mundwasser erbringt.

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Wässriger Ozon-Mundwasserbecher zur Mundreinigung

Eines der wirksamsten Desinfektionsmittel ist Ozon.Zahnozon ist 50-mal wirksamer bei der Desinfektion als Chlor, das am häufigsten verwendete Desinfektionsmittel, und seine Wirkung ist 3.500-mal schneller sichtbar.Mouthwash Cup tötet Krankheitserreger ab, indem es die Zellmembran oxidiert und die Zellwand von Krankheitszellen zerstört, während gesunde Zellen unversehrt bleiben.Ozon hinterlässt im Gegensatz zu Produkten auf Chlorbasis keine giftigen Rückstände.Ozon ist mit allen Aspekten der Zahnheilkunde biokompatibel und fördert nachweislich die Remineralisierung kürzlich kariöser Zähne.Es kann auch als vorbeugende Therapie bei Karies, Wurzelkaries und endodontischen Kanalspülungen eingesetzt werden.

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Orale Reinigung wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser-Cup-Kopie

$ 23.50

High quality the most favorable price wholesale multi-function ozone generator factory workshop from the manufacturer, we are equipped with R & D technicians, ozone water for daily necessities, we have the patent certificate of ozone generator, there are many certification reports, you can rest assured to use.

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Orale Reinigung wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser selbst gemachter elektrolytischer Ozon-Wasserkopie

$ 23.50

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Orale Reinigung wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser selbst gemachter elektrolytischer Ozon-Wasserkopie

$ 23.50

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Orale Reinigung wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser selbst gemachter elektrolytischer Ozon-Wasserkopie

$ 25.00

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Orale Reinigung wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser selbst gemachter elektrolytischer Ozonwasserzähne Reinigungskopie

$ 25.00

The oral cleaning aqueous ozone mouthwash cup is a cutting-edge oral hygiene solution that harnesses the power of aqueous ozone to deliver an unparalleled level of cleanliness for your mouth. This revolutionary cup employs advanced technology to generate ozone-infused water, which effectively eradicates bacteria, combats bad breath, and promotes optimal gum and tooth health. With its user-friendly design, you can effortlessly fill the cup with water, activate the ozone infusion with a simple press of a button, and witness the rapid transformation of water into a potent mouthwash.

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Orale Reinigung wässriger Ozon-Mundwasser selbst gemachter elektrolytischer Ozonwasserzähne Reinigungskopie

$ 25.00

The cheap ozone generator for home use from factory is a cost-effective solution designed to provide efficient sanitization for your home. Manufactured directly from the factory, this ozone generator offers an affordable option without compromising on quality. It harnesses the power of ozone to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and odors, ensuring a clean and healthy living environment. Despite its affordability, this ozone generator is built with durable materials and reliable components, guaranteeing its longevity and effectiveness.

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